Searching for Quantum gravity. what is infinity? (5)
Oh Youngjong
(dmqcka @
(This article contains my own personal view and not finished yet so be noted that it may contain wrong information. It can be modified at any time without notice.)
What is infinity?
Today topic which is concerning about infinity will confuse you and blow you out of mind because never previously have you heard of this new philosophical view what I will discuss. After reading it, you may think me mad, crazy and foolish so most will be ignorant but I am serious. In this series, I have wrote several articles describing the most basic fundamental thing such as the notion of distance, time and infinity because I believe that the so-called quantum gravity and theory of everything later which are expected to unify quantum mechanics and general relativity would be completed only after we have a clear picture on these basics fundamental concepts as already many scientists confessed.
Frankly speaking, many scientists don’t know if time is fundamental or not. One such view of Kate Becker, editor of NATURE OF REALITY is quoted below.
“Space and time are so fundamental to our understanding of the universe that they are woven into nearly every equation in physics. They are the words in which we speak the language of nature—so tried, tested, and true that we don’t even know how to talk about the cosmos without engaging space and time in the conversation.
But what if it turns out that space and time are not the fundamental infrastructure of our cosmos—what if they are themselves products of some deeper physics? This idea is called emergence. We see it in nature, as when birds flock. If you were only to study an individual bird, you would never predict how it would come together as part of a flock. Yet each bird “knows” the simple rules that, when combined, create a wide range of agile and elegant behaviors. Could it be that physicists have been studying flocks all along, not realizing that it’s the birds that are truly fundamental? That would mean we don't know if TIME is fundamental or not.”
Not only this, there are so many confessions from physicists about the problem of time. Especially the notion of time is used differently in two great principles, quantum mechanics and general relativity. In classical mechanics, time is treated as a fixed background parameter, independent of any system. The same treatment to time also can be found in the formulation of quantum mechanics. The state of system can be defined only on a certain instance of time and the raw of state evolution, dynamics of a quantum system can be determined solely by itself regardless of the existence of external system if there is no interaction with it. On the other hand, general relativity shows that space-time is actually dynamical. As can be seen in the gravitational wave experiments, matter guide space-time how to vary. The incompatibility in usage of time means that we are lack of enough knowledge on it.
In addition, the notion of infinity also has been problematic to human since its discovery in human history, perhaps introduction of Zeno’s paradoxes. In our daily life, we can see very large numbers but impossible to see the true infinity so it is just an abstracted idea residing only in our mind. Especially in physics if the prediction after mathematical calculation happens to be infinity which is quite normal in quantum mechanics and gravitational force, that means nightmare to physicists. In that case, they try to find a different approach not yielding infinity for the solution because they believe infinity does not exist in physical world or infinity is the fearsome monster we are hard to handle.
Time and infinity are the most basic fundamental notions we need to figure out but it is not easy thing to understand them. Without correct understanding them, the journey to the complete quantum gravity and theory of everything won’t be possible and that why I keep writing those subjects. From my previous study, I recognized that time and infinity are closely related and found a whole new way of thinking on what the infinity truly means to human and how to utilize it. With those understandings, I believe that I can show that Einstein’s relativity theory is incomplete due to the flaw in the principle of relativity, the first postulate of his special relativity. Repeatedly again, I will show the principle of relativity is not 100% true. I argue that must be testable whether an object under uniform motion is moving or stationary and will provide a full explanation in detail later how to test it. For example, a photon in vacuum is always under uniform motion and moving regardless of the choice of any inertial frames. Someone may say photon is not considered as a normal inertial reference of frame and the principle of relativity does not apply to it but I think the better principle will not treat the photon as the exception and will show later. Once you get the clear picture on what the infinity is and how time can switch its form in both QM and GR, then I am sure you will get step further to see the next revolution in physics.
What makes continuum and discontinuum?
Many physicists think time is emergent from unknown non temporal thing but don't know what it is. From my study, I believe that their guess is true and the non temporal thing is just another time. Sound crazy? or interesting? The non temporal hidden structure is actually the fixed time which is believed as undetectable by any mean available to human and the emergent time is what we can measure in the realm of GR. My proposal of undetectable time as a reality may sound crazy and absurd to you but it is not. In fact, this view is influenced by the metaphysics, especially ontology what Parmenides of Elea, a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher proposed.
Parmenides believed the by human sensory the true reality cannot be detectable but only the distorted illusory image can be sensed and touched. In this my own personal view, what I understand is that he saw a paradox that the existence of the true reality cannot be proved to be true experimentally because there is no way to see or touch it but only what human can see is the illusion which is considered as not existence. We can find similar cases from what we have experienced already. For example, imaginary number i in complex number theory is accepted as a useful concept by everyone although it cannot be detectable in our physical world. Also never in our life have we detected or measured the full complete digits of any irrational number such as π, e because it need infinity amount of time and storage to get complete digits. I interpret that the symbol of π is the absolute fixed unmeasurable reality and any approximated values such as 3.14, 3.14592653 are the emergent relativistic measurements which we can physically measure and feel. The number symbol π and its approximated decimal expressions above are actually two different aspects of the same thing and time also is considered to have two different aspects and one can be emergent from the non temporal thing. I hope it makes sense to readers. In the next post, I will continue discussion based on this observation.
To be continued ...