Oh YeungJong
Many people who know well that Feynman's famous statement, "I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics" will think it foolish or crazy if they hear someone arguing that he actually understand quantum mechanics and here I dare to insist that.
One of the most weird things in QM is the wave-particle duality which can be seen in the famous double slit experiment with electrons. In the experiment, electron known as a particle act like wave when it is not observed but act as particle when observed. There are no ultimate single consensus on how single electron can move to show diffracted pattern on the final screen and how the measurement of electron's property can breakdown diffraction pattern on the final screen.
Here I will try to provide another interpretation to understand several reasonable scenarios which will make readers to understand it much intuitive way. Comparing with the Copenhagen interpretation there will be several differences in my interpretation. For example, CI assume the existence of super-positioned particle to understand wave like behavior of single particle but I don't need such concept. All we can see is just particle form of it and wave like form is just illusion created by movement of a particle of which details will be provided later in this series. I also think that every movement act in deterministic way as Einstein tried to cling to but with one exception: Uncertainty in number realization which also will be given in following article. In my view, randomness arise only at the stage of realization for any number or state of a particle.
I am not a math guy so there will be fewer mathematical stuffs or equation in this scenario. Instead mentioning lots of equation, I will do my best to describe several concepts or intuitions in simple basic sentences so that even high school students with basic knowledge in Mathematics can understand.
As always can be seen in other proves somewhat related to some form of philosophy, let me adopt few assumptions which are required to get a complete understanding all weirdness seen in Feynman's double slit experiment . Layer I will explain why these assumptions were necessary.
Assumptions or Axioms
1. The dynamical system of every subatomic entity such as light, electron and etc is basically chaotic dynamics showing unique features including deterministic behavior and sensitivity to the initial condition and I call it Statically Distributed Periodic System.
2. Any measurable state of a dynamical system which is realized must be re-synchronized with the realized single value so that everyone can see the very same single state out of infinitely many possibilities.
3. Some sort of wave field relative to the moving object is generated and propagated in every outer direction centering at everywhere discontinuity of matter or energy exist. Best candidate for the its wave function seems to be Bessel function of which wave length is related to the one of particle moving nearby within close distance from the center of wave field.
With the above 3 assumptions, I dare to insist that almost every weirdness in quantum mechanics can be understood in much intuitive manner and details will be provided in the following series.
To summarize my interpretation, Current Quantum mechanics is correct but not enough to understand all weirdness. To fill the gab between precise prediction and better understanding of QM, we need to adopt three concepts or new ways of thinking: 1. Statically Distributed Periodic function as a governing rule of every subatomic entity. 2. Randomness in realization of any value or state of a particle. 3. Existence of force field generated at the edge between matter and emptiness.
To be continued...