[Series #4] What creates mass?
This post contains my personal view on the mechanism on the creation of mass. In my previous posts, I briefly mentioned that three rotational forces Fr,Fg,Fb acting on every location in our 3 dimensional space is the cause to get a massless packet of energy gaining or losing mass. For a particle, the sum of magnitude of active interactions with these three rotation forces is guessed to be proportional to the mass of it. I think this idea is the key to understand the mechanism about what makes mass and what is the gravity working well even in the subatomic scale world. For those who may feel difficult to accept this idea, it is right time to remind us all of Isaac Newton’s original view on inertia.
Classical view on Mass
Inertia is understood as the tendency of an object to resist a change in its state of motion. If an object stays at rest, it has the tendency to keep that position. To make some change in its rest state even if it has non-zero constant velocity, external force should act on it and so energy does. Simply to say, if we want to change the fate of an object into different direction against the path which is destined to follow initially, with the assumption that we can predict its future motion using well established Newton’s law or whatever suitable, then we need to use some amount of energy. From this point of view, the mass of an object can be measured indirectly by measuring the energy consumed to make the change of the object as Einstein explained in his paper, “Does the inertia of a body depend upon its energy-content?”. The quote taken from it below shows it clearly and could be helpful to accept my idea briefly mentioned above.
“The mass of a body is a measure of its energy-content; if the energy changes by L, the mass changes in the same sense by L/9 × 1020, the energy being measured in ergs, and the mass in grammes.” By A. Einstein
My personal view on Mass
The original expression of Energy-Mass relation used in Einstein’s 1905 paper may be written as the equation, “m=L/c2” provides a great insight about the true nature of Mass.
Firgure 1. Higgs mechanism? A mechanism about how a massless oscillating particle moving along x direction with speed of Light c can gain and lose mass depending upon the existence of interactions with the three rotational forces in the space.
To know what mass is and how mass can be measured, consider a scenario that a massless oscillating particle is moving from left to right along x direction with velocity of light c at x=x0 as depicted in Figure 1. At region 1, left side in Figure 1, it is assumed that there is no force at all for a particle to interact with so that the particle moving along x axis will show the translational symmetry which means the invariance of particle’s status such as velocity, periodicity and so on. It will soon move into the region 2 (centered in Fig.1) of which locations are filled with fluctuating forces due to the heavy mass at x=x2. These fluctuating forces which are believed to be created due to the Dark energy residing at the same position in space play key role in putting mass to the particle passing through.
It should be noted that the basic feature of matter is that we can find its location. If a ball is floating around in the ocean and happens to get close to strong swirl pulling anything nearby, it is easy to predict we would see the ball at the center of the swirl. If the ball is moving fast and the pulling energy of swirl is not enough to catch the moving ball, then the ball can escape out of the swirling area.
In my view, there are some sort of swirling forces in region 2 which are trying to hold any particle passing through. If the swirling forces acting on a bounded area is so strong enough to hold nearby particle, that means that there is high probability to find the particle at the position in the statistical point of view. This can lead to the following conclusion that if we want to move the particle to different location opposing the swirling forces sticking the particle to the same location of forces, some amount of energy is required. The necessary amount of energy to pull out the particle can be used to calculate the mass of particle. In this period, the particle is slow down a little bit due to the holding effect so its velocity v1 is less than light speed c.
If the particle is able to move into the region 3, it will lose its mass gained in the region 2 and restore its original masses state and the velocity of Light c.
It is almost impossible to measure the exact mass of a particle at a certain instance since the fluctuating forces are not distributed uniformly over the space and vary over time so the mass itself may vary upon its locations. Instead, it will be our best to get the average of mass over a period. So it will be very important to know what property or state of a particle system is time invariant because the time invariant properties such as energy can be only measured and verified over and over again.
Gravitational force
Newton stated that the force of gravity between two objects is attracting each other and works instantaneously at a distance. In Newton’s universal law of Gravitation, the strength of the force is proportional to the inverse square of distance r between two objects.
In my view, the difference in the strength of swirling forces acting on two points can reason the gravitational forces.
Figure 2. An illustrative image to show how gravitational force work at a distance. The data used here is not correct and this picture is prepared to show the gradual decrements of gravitational force as distance is getting bigger. Blue curve is the sum of the swirling forces power and orange curve is the 2 power of blue curve which is guessed to be the probability to find the particle at distance r.
As shown in figure 2 which is prepared to show just a premature idea, the probability curve in orange color is continuously changing across distance and the gradual difference of the probability curve is guessed to be the cause for gravitational force. I chose this probability curve as a proper candidate to the correct answer with intention to understand the weirdness in dual slit experiment showing the diffraction pattern of particles.
[Added 2015-07-21]
Regarding Figure 2, the true meaning of the blue curve is the strength sum of all rotational forces only interacting with all objects involved in gravitational force. In fact, the strength varies over time because
the "mass" property of a moving particle in the force field full of fluctuating rotational forces is varying too. To get the data in Figure 2 which is time invariant, we need to depend on the statistical analysis which will help us to get such time invariant data. This issue will be discussed further when dealing with the periodicity of "strange attractor" later.
[/Added 2015-07-21]
Here comes my understanding how matters are attracted to each other within the force field. Let's assume that a particle with mass m is placed at distance r=r1 and a heavy mass M at r=0. As shown in Figure 2, the possibility to find a particle tend to increase as distance r is smaller. One additional assumption is that the minimum distance between two neighbor points should be Plank distance. Strong swirling forces at r=0 means there is high probability to find a matter at that point so in my view, the existence of the rotational force ( here I use swirling and rotational both as same) enable the creation of mass.
The probability difference between two neighbor position reasons the attracting force which fits with Newton's law - force proportional to the inverse square of r. This idea helps us to safely ignore the concept of "Spooky action at a distance".
Why gravitational force is the weakest one among all 4 forces?
As can be seen in Figure 2, the probability curve is not always increasing as distance r is getting shorter. Intervals where probability decrease as r goes to zero coexist with the intervals where probability is increasing and this is an interesting property of gravitational force. The existence of decreasing probability intervals makes it weaker than other 3 forces.
To be continued ...