Let test okl4_android examples on android_emulator under windows OS
프로그래밍/Google Android 2010. 10. 1. 16:37I do most jobs on Windows for convenience and it makes me to find a way to port some useful linux applications. Here I introduce how to compile okl4_android_3.0 and emulator application runnable on Windows. If you want linux version, then see original link. http://ertos.nicta.com.au/software/okl4htcdream/
Compile android_emulator-ok using MinGW ( Edit: Do not use this. This windows version seems to have problem in dynamic translation from ARM code to x86 ).
1. Download emulator source. android-emulator-ok.tar.gz
2. Unrar it to {emulator_path}.
3. Apply the patch.
4. Before running build-emulator.sh to build emulator, an sdl package should be compiled but the sdl source included in the above tar file has a compile error with mingw so I recommend to find different way.
5. Download qemu package included android froyo version. http://android.git.kernel.org/?p=platform/external/qemu.git;a=summary
7. cd {qemu_path}/distrib/sdl-1.2.12
8. ./android-rebuild.sh --sdl-config=$LOCAL/bin/sdl-config
9. Now ready to compile emulator
10. cd {emulator_path}/qemu
11. ./android-rebuild.sh --sdl-config=$LOCAL/bin/sdl-config --install=$CURDIR/emulator
Compile qemu included in latest android version using MinGW.
1. Download qemu source from http://android.git.kernel.org/?p=platform/external/qemu.git;a=summary
2. build SDL first
cd /d/work/qemu/distrib/sdl-1.2.12
./android-configure --prefix=/d/work/local
make install
./android-configure --prefix=/d/work/local
make install
3. Download below patch and apply it.
4. Build qemu
cd /d/work/qemu
./android-configure.sh --sdl-config=/d/work/local/bin/sdl-config
./android-configure.sh --sdl-config=/d/work/local/bin/sdl-config
Compile okl4-android_3.0 using cygwin
Build okl4_android-3.0 binary using cygwin. Because python lower version 2.6 is required to compile okl4 source tree without any compile error, we need to install cygwin with python version 2.5 and it could not be done in MinGW. Please correct me if I am wrong.
1. For successful compile, setup build environment.
2. Download android-ndk package
3. Install it somewhere
4. export PATH={ndk_root}/build\prebuilt\windows\arm-eabi-4.2.1\bin:$PATH
5. Download soruce : okl4-android-3.0.tar.bz2
6. cd {okl4_path}
7. tar xfvj okl4-android_3.0.tar.bz2
8. Download and apply the patch.
9. cd okl4-android_3.0
10. tools/build.py machine=androidsim project=examples example=hello PYFREEZE=False TOOLCHAIN=gnu_arm_eabi_toolchain
11. The above command will generate image.elf file successfully but failed to generate image.boot file. I don't know about python and someone will help me what is wrong?
Running emulator with okl4 test app under MinGW
1. Create an avd file(here froyo) required to run android emulator
2. Run emulator with okl4 example
cd /d/work/
./qemu/objs/emulator.exe @cupcake -os-type okl4 -show-kernel -verbose -kernel ../images/image.boot.bin
./qemu/objs/emulator.exe @cupcake -os-type okl4 -show-kernel -verbose -kernel ../images/image.boot.bin