*Reference: http://honeypod.blogspot.com/2007/12/compile-android-kernel-from-source.html
Compile Android kernel from the source
I confirmed the following procedure only on my linux host (FC8). Sorry for Windows and Mac users.
1. Get toolchains from CodeSourcery (Choose ARM GNU/Linux and IA32 GNU/Linux).
2. Get kernl source code from here.
3. Deploy toolcains and kernel source and enter in the kernel source tree.
4. Get the config.gz from the running emulator by the following way.
5. Decommpress the config.gz and rename it as .config
6. Specify CROSS_COMPILE in the Makefile.
7. Comment out LDFLAGS_BUILD_ID[*1] in the same Makefile.
8. Make the kernel
9. Check zImage is created and the size is nearly same as the kernel-qemu in the Andorid SDK.
10. Run emulator with the created kernel.
[*1]: The LDFLAGS_BUILD_ID enables --build-id option of ld if available. The --build-id option is relatively new. The current emulator does not seem to support the kernel linked with this option. See here if you are interested in the detail of this option.
1. Get toolchains from CodeSourcery (Choose ARM GNU/Linux and IA32 GNU/Linux).
2. Get kernl source code from here.
3. Deploy toolcains and kernel source and enter in the kernel source tree.
$ mkdir -p android
$ cd android
$ tar xjvf ../arm-2007q3-51-arm-none-linux-gnueabi-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2
$ tar xzvf ../linux-2.6.23-android-m3-rc20.tar.gz
$ cd kernel
4. Get the config.gz from the running emulator by the following way.
$ adb pull /proc/config.gz .
5. Decommpress the config.gz and rename it as .config
$ gunzip config.gz
$ mv config .config
6. Specify CROSS_COMPILE in the Makefile.
7. Comment out LDFLAGS_BUILD_ID[*1] in the same Makefile.
#LDFLAGS_BUILD_ID = $(patsubst -Wl$(comma)%,%,\
$(call ld-option, -Wl$(comma)--build-id,))
8. Make the kernel
$ make
9. Check zImage is created and the size is nearly same as the kernel-qemu in the Andorid SDK.
$ ls -l arch/arm/boot/zImage
-rwxrwxr-x 1 motz motz 1234712 2007-12-01 18:06 arch/arm/boot/zImage
$ ls -l $SDK/tools/lib/images/kernel-qemu
-rwxrwxr-x 1 motz motz 1245836 2007-11-12 5:59 ...sdk/tools/lib/images/kernel-qemu
10. Run emulator with the created kernel.
$ emulator -kernel arch/arm/boot/zImage
[*1]: The LDFLAGS_BUILD_ID enables --build-id option of ld if available. The --build-id option is relatively new. The current emulator does not seem to support the kernel linked with this option. See here if you are interested in the detail of this option.