Original Link: http://betelco.blogspot.com/2010/01/buildingdebugging-android-native-c.html
Building/Debugging android native C applications
In this post I will explain how to compile, install and debug an Android native "C" application.
If you are reading this post just because you have googled the magic keywords ("android" + "native code") then you should know that there is an easier way to build native applications using android makefiles ("Android.mk" and "Application.mk").
The method I'm describing here is only useful if you want to understand how things work in order to create more complexstandard GNU makefiles. This is also useful if you would like to create your own GNU autotools wrappers to compile projects using GNU configure.
I'm using Windows Vista as host machine but any other supported platforms (e.g. linux-x86 or darwin-x86) should work.
If you are reading this post just because you have googled the magic keywords ("android" + "native code") then you should know that there is an easier way to build native applications using android makefiles ("Android.mk" and "Application.mk").
The method I'm describing here is only useful if you want to understand how things work in order to create more complexstandard GNU makefiles. This is also useful if you would like to create your own GNU autotools wrappers to compile projects using GNU configure.
I'm using Windows Vista as host machine but any other supported platforms (e.g. linux-x86 or darwin-x86) should work.
I have tested both the NDK (1.6) and SDK (2.1) on:
- Windows XP (32-bit) and Vista (64-bit)
- Mac OS X Snow Leopard
- Ubuntu Intrepid
To download the latest Android SDK, visit this address http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html.
If you need information on how to install the SDK, visit this address http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing.html.
If the "SDK setup" fail to update the installed packages you can change the remote site URL from https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/repository.xml to http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/repository.xml (change the URL scheme from HTTPS to HTTP) or try to disable your anti-virus or firewall.
I have installed the SDK version 2.1 under c:/android-sdk (a.r.a /cygdrive/c/android-sdk).
Add an environment variable named ANDROID_SDK_ROOT pointing to the SDK root directory.
If you need information on how to install the SDK, visit this address http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing.html.
If the "SDK setup" fail to update the installed packages you can change the remote site URL from https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/repository.xml to http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/repository.xml (change the URL scheme from HTTPS to HTTP) or try to disable your anti-virus or firewall.
I have installed the SDK version 2.1 under c:/android-sdk (a.r.a /cygdrive/c/android-sdk).
Add an environment variable named ANDROID_SDK_ROOT pointing to the SDK root directory.
Important: You should add "$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/tools" directory to the $PATH environment variable.
Under *nix:
If you are using Windows XP or Vista as host machine then you MUST install Cygwin Devel package with GNU Make (3.81 or later) before installing the NDK.
It should also work with MinGW.
Installing the Android NDK
To download the latest Android NDK, visit this address http://developer.android.com/sdk/ndk/1.6_r1/index.html.
I have uncompressed the NDK version 1.6 under c:/android-ndk (a.r.a /cygdrive/c/android-ndk).
Add an environment variable named ANDROID_NDK_ROOT pointing to the NDK root directory.
To install the NDK:
I have uncompressed the NDK version 1.6 under c:/android-ndk (a.r.a /cygdrive/c/android-ndk).
Add an environment variable named ANDROID_NDK_ROOT pointing to the NDK root directory.
To install the NDK:
To test that the toolchain has been correctly installed you can try to build the hello-jni sample which comes with the NDK by doing this:
make -APP=hello-jni
If all is OK then the console will print:
Android NDK: Building for application 'hello-jni'
Compile thumb : hello-jni <= sources/samples/hello-jni/hello-jni.c SharedLibrary : libhello-jni.so Install : libhello-jni.so => apps/hello-jni/project/libs/armeabi
Creating an AVD
AVD stands for Android Virtual Device and can be seen as a device profile (keyboard, dialing pad, skin, screen dimensions, appearance ...) to load into your emulator. You can create as many AVDs as you need.
To create an AVD named "avdtest" targeting platform 2.1 (targetID=android-7):
android create avd -n avdtest -t android-7
Created AVD 'avdtest' based on Android 2.1, with the following hardware config: hw.lcd.density=160
Here I will create a basic test.c file under C:\tmp with the following content:
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int i = 1;
printf("Hello, world (i=%d)!\n", i);
return 0;
Just create an empty file named makefile (without any extension) under C:\tmp (which is the same directory as test.c).
Now We will fill the makefile step by step.
Add application name, $ROOT directory, install directory and the NDK platform version:
APP := test
INSTALL_DIR := /data/tm
BIN := $(PREBUILD)/bin
Add GCC options:
CPP := $(BIN)/arm-eabi-g++
CC := $(BIN)/arm-eabi-gcc
- all: $(APP)
- OBJS += $(APP).o
- $(APP): $(OBJS)
- $(CPP) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^
- %.o: %.c
- $(CC) -c $(INCLUDE) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
- install: $(APP)
- $(ANDROID_SDK_ROOT)/tools/adb push $(APP) $(INSTALL_DIR)/$(APP)
- $(ANDROID_SDK_ROOT)/tools/adb shell chmod 777 $(INSTALL_DIR)/$(APP)
- shell:
- $(ANDROID_SDK_ROOT)/tools/adb shell
- run:
- $(ANDROID_SDK_ROOT)/tools/adb shell $(INSTALL_DIR)/$(APP)
- clean:
- @rm -f $(APP).o $(APP)
To build the application, switch to the directory where you have created both files and then:
To resolve this issue, add the Bionic header files to $CFLAGS variable like this:
CFLAGS := -I$(ANDROID_NDK_ROOT)/build/platforms/android-$(NDK_PLATFORM_VER)/arch-arm/usr/include
rt0.o: No such file: No such file or directory
LDFLAGS := -Wl -nostdlib
test.c:(.text+0x34): undefined reference to `printf'
test.c:(.text+0x3c): undefined reference to `exit'
LDFLAGS := -Wl -L$(ANDROID_NDK_ROOT)/build/platforms/android-$(NDK_PLATFORM_VER)/arch-arm/usr/lib
LDFLAGS += -nostdlib -lc
/cygdrive/c/android-ndk/build/platforms/android-1.5/arch-arm/usr/lib/libc.so: undefined reference to `dl_unwind_find_exidx'
LDFLAGS := -Wl,-rpath-link=$(ANDROID_NDK_ROOT)/build/platforms/android-$(NDK_PLATFORM_VER)/arch-arm/usr/lib -L$(ANDROID_NDK_ROOT)/build/platforms/android-$(NDK_PLATFORM_VER)/arch-arm/usr/lib
-eabi/4.2.1/../../../../arm-eabi/bin/ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 000082c8
LDFLAGS := -Wl,--entry=main,-rpath-link=$(ANDROID_NDK_ROOT)/build/platforms/android-$(NDK_PLATFORM_VER)/arch-arm/usr/lib -L$(ANDROID_NDK_ROOT)/build/platforms/android-$(NDK_PLATFORM_VER)/arch-arm/usr/lib
LDFLAGS += -nostdlib -lc
Testing your application
Before testing your application you MUST run the emulator like this:
emulator -avd avdtest
To install the application on the emulator, open a new console and go to to directory where you have created test.c andmakefile. Install your application on the emulator like this:
make install
/cygdrive/c/android-sdk/tools/adb push test /data/tmp/test
304 KB/s (2493 bytes in 0.008s)
/cygdrive/c/android-sdk/tools/adb shell chmod 777 /data/tmp/test
make run
/cygdrive/c/android-sdk/tools/adb shell /data/tmp/test
/data/tmp/test: not found
I spent hours searching and I found that this error happens because the loader fails to load the application because it cannot found a proper linker.
To specify a search directory for the dynamic linker (at run time) you MUST change the link options like this:
LDFLAGS := -Wl,--entry=main,-rpath-link=$(ANDROID_NDK_ROOT)/build/platforms/android-$(NDK_PLATFORM_VER)/arch-arm/usr/lib,-dynamic-linker=/system/bin/linker -L$(ANDROID_NDK_ROOT)/build/platforms/android-$(NDK_PLATFORM_VER)/arch-arm/usr/lib
LDFLAGS += -nostdlib -lc
The console will print the expected result ("hello, world (i=3)!") but just after we have an segmentation fault error("[1] Segmentation fault /data/tmp/test").
To resolve this issue you can exit the program (exit(0);) just before the main function returns (return 0;). You should also include
If you retry the build&&run process (make clean && make && make install && make run) then you should have:
/cygdrive/c/android-sdk/tools/adb shell /data/tmp/test
Hello, world (i=3)!
Debugging your application
Before doing anything you MUST copy the gdbserver file to the emultor.
This file is under $BIN ($ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/build/prebuilt/$ANDROID_NDK_HOST/arm-eabi-4.2.1/bin).
Copy gdbserver to the emulator like this:
adb push gdbserver $INSTALL_DIR/gdbserver
adb shell chmod 777 $INSTALL_DIR/gdbserver
Before running the server on port 1234 you MUST redirect all tcp connection to this port like this:
Now it's time to run the server:
If all is OK the the server will print something like this:
To generate debug symbols you MUST change the makefile like this (should not be hard coded like this):
Connect to the server (from the same console) like this:
The final makefile and test.c files are shown below:
adb forward tcp:1234: tcp:1234
Now it's time to run the server:
adb shell $INSTALL_DIR/gdbserver :1234 $INSTALL_DIR/$APP
If all is OK the the server will print something like this:
Process /data/tmp/test created; pid = 246
Listening on port 1234
- debug:
GDB_CLIENT := $(BIN)/arm-eabi-gdb
To generate debug symbols you MUST change the makefile like this (should not be hard coded like this):
DEBUG = -g
CFLAGS := $(DEBUG) -I$(ANDROID_NDK_ROOT)/build/platforms/android-$(NDK_PLATFORM_VER)/arch-arm/usr/include
Connect to the server (from the same console) like this:
target remote :1234
b main
p i
#$1 = 1
#9 printf("Hello, world (i=%d)!\n", i);
p i
#$2 = 3
#Program exited normally.
The final makefile and test.c files are shown below:
- makefile
- OBJS += $(APP).o
- $(APP): $(OBJS)
- $(CPP) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^
- %.o: %.c
- $(CC) -c $(INCLUDE) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
- install: $(APP)
- $(ANDROID_SDK_ROOT)/tools/adb push $(APP) $(INSTALL_DIR)/$(APP)
- $(ANDROID_SDK_ROOT)/tools/adb shell chmod 777 $(INSTALL_DIR)/$(APP)
- shell:
- $(ANDROID_SDK_ROOT)/tools/adb shell
- run:
- $(ANDROID_SDK_ROOT)/tools/adb shell $(INSTALL_DIR)/$(APP)
- debug:
- clean:
- @rm -f $(APP).o $(APP)
APP := test
INSTALL_DIR := /data/tmp
BIN := $(PREBUILD)/bin
GDB_CLIENT := $(BIN)/arm-eabi-gdb
DEBUG = -g
CPP := $(BIN)/arm-eabi-g++
CC := $(BIN)/arm-eabi-gcc
CFLAGS := $(DEBUG) -I$(ANDROID_NDK_ROOT)/build/platforms/android-$(NDK_PLATFORM_VER)/arch-arm/usr/include
LDFLAGS := -Wl,--entry=main,-rpath-link=$(ANDROID_NDK_ROOT)/build/platforms/android-$(NDK_PLATFORM_VER)/arch-arm/usr/lib,-dynamic-linker=/system/bin/linker -L$(ANDROID_NDK_ROOT)/build/platforms/android-$(NDK_PLATFORM_VER)/arch-arm/usr/lib
LDFLAGS += -nostdlib -lc
all: $(APP)
- test.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int i = 1;
printf("Hello, world (i=%d)!\n", i);
return 0;