This post describes what I did to run ltib from L3.0.35_4.0.0_130424_source.tar.gz on Linux host machine version Ubuntu 12.04 64bit Precise.
Actually I referred the following and added minor things.
Steps I did
1. Download L3.0.35_4.0.0_130424_source.tar.gz and install it.
2. Download this and copy the script file in the <LTIB_root_dir> and execute it. Make sure this update complete without error.
3. Run ltib in <LTIB_root_dir>
While running ltib, you will be asked to configure build options for kernel, For me, I just selected "mx6qsabre_nand" platform and did not touched other thing.
If you choose u-boot-v2009.08 as boot loader, then you may pass compilation of uboot with success. At least it was successful for me.
In case of error complaining "arm-fsl-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: cannot find /lib/", then apply the suggestion in this link.
Hi John,
I just noticed that my earlier note was cryptic, but in this case, you're seeing the same problem as I had: LTIB is trying to find libraries in your host system directories. In other words, it's trying to load /lib/ instead of finding the library within the LTIB tree.
The answer seems to be simple. Go into ltib/dist/lfs/base_libs/base_libs.spec and find these lines:
# remove absolute paths from text search files (if they exist)
perl -w -e '
@ARGV = grep { `file $_` =~ m,ASCII C program text, } @ARGV;
exit(0) unless @ARGV;
Remove the last two (the lines beginning with "@ARGV" and "exit(0)" and you should be good to go.
4. If ltib run correctly, you can see rootfs.jffs2 is created in <LTIB_root_dir>if you chose NAND image in configuration stage.