'프로그래밍/bluetooth'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2010.02.19 [bluetooth] class of device generator
  2. 2009.09.22 Internet Sharing via Bluetooth PAN with WM 6.1 Pro (Omnia) & Ubuntu
Posted by kevino

Copied from http://blog.myfenris.net/?tag=bluetooth-pan

Thanks God at last …. i finally can get connected to internet through my OMNIA … Maybe its a starting for Me to improve n fullfill my dream/goals for this 2009 year ..

1) U do need all the neccessary packages :

sudo apt-get install bluetooth bluez bluez-compat bluez-utils gnome-bluetooth

2) Turn on the Bluetooth of Pocket PC and find the Pocket PC from the Ubuntu Laptop by issuing : (make sure u already turn on ya bluetooth and make it visible)

hcitool scan

Then, you will see the following (the address is different from yours) :

Scanning …
00:0E:07:37:7C:BD YourMobileDeviceName

Edit your /etc/default/bluetooth :

# Defaults for bluez

# start bluetooth on boot?
# compatibility note: If this variable is not found bluetooth will
# start


# This setting will switch HID devices (e.g mouse/keyboad) to HCI mode, that is
# you will have bluetooth functionality from your dongle instead of only HID.
# Note that not every bluetooth dongle is capable of switching back to HID
# mode, see http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=355497



PAND_OPTIONS=”–listen –role=NAP –devup /etc/bluetooth/pan/dev-up”
then save it.

3) Pairing your MobileDevice and your laptop@PC

4) Append the following lines to “/etc/network/interfaces” :

sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces

add below to the file,

auto bnep0

iface bnep0 inet dhcp

then save it.

Write this script where ever u want: example , omnia.sh


sudo modprobe bnep
sudo pand –listen -c 00:21:D2:64:DB:FE –role=NAP -n –persist
sudo ifconfig bnep0
sudo ifup bnep0

* Change the mac address according to your mac address

chmod +x omnia.sh

Then execute it, ./omnia.sh

Pocket PC ( Windows Mobile )

1) Open the Internet Sharing Connection (ICS)

2) PC Connection: Bluetooth PAN

3) Network Connection: DiGi Internet (change it with your ISP 3G provider)

When u see,

Status : Connected

Its mean u already get connected to internet via ICS … try ping anywhere to test your connection … Gud Luck !!!


Posted by kevino