Unity website:

Which license do you need?

Download the free version of Unity to get started:

If you have no previous experience with Unity, start with these six video tutorials which give a quick overview of the Unity interface and some important features 

Continue with a more in-depth text-based walk through of very basic Unity functionality and work flow

To get you started with scripting, have a look at the following PDF document. It was written for an older version of Unity, but still covers relevant aspects of scripting with JavaScript. (2 hours to complete, no previous JavaScript knowledge required) 

Unity features three scripting languages; JavaScript, C#, and Boo. Depending on your scripting language of choice, you might want to choose different tutorials to get started with Unity. Each tutorial link will also mention which scripting language is used. Most Unity tutorials available on the web are using JavaScript. Notice that JavaScript is commonly used for web applications. Unforunately, books which cover JavaScript are normally of little use for Unity's implementation of JavaScript. But worry not, a vast amount of tutorials will follow...

If you want to familiarize yourself with Unity's functionality more, browse through Unity's manual. You can skip the “Basics” section as we already went through this (see above). 

For a printable version of the 600+ pages manual, se

Unity Videos (including Tutorials) 

Live Online Unity Classes (currently for basic introduction to Unity)

If you rather prefer to jump into the action, skip the manual and basic resources altogether and have a look at several books which have been published on Game Development with Unity (several recently added on 03/22/2012).
A complete list of Unity books and their descriptions can be found here: 

1) Author Will Goldstone guides you through a complete project and introduces most of Unity's functionality (using JavaScript). The book is available as print and digital version and all needed assets and resources can be downloaded with the book. It's been a helpful investment from my point of view. 
This forum thread discusses the book and its content.
The updated version of this book for Unity 3 can be found on Amazon.
Amazon Link

2) Ryan Henson Creighton more recently published "Unity 3D Game Development by Example Beginner's Guide". Find out more about the book here:
and the forum thread -

3) Craig Stevenson and Simon Quiq (publisher Deep Pixel) released "Unity 3 Blueprints: A practical guide to Indie games development". Their website provides all the art assests and code to create four classic games from scratch (Match the Pairs, Top-Down Shooter, Tower Defense, Marble Madness).
Amazon link

4) Sue Blackman wrote a book in which she guides the reader through the development of a Javascript-based project which resembles an adventure-type of game. Sue highlights the viewpoint of an artist working in game development. See the forum thread and the amazon link.

5) Coming up on 07/17/2012, Deniz Opal, Sean McCracken and Mike Renwick are publishing "Professional Unity and C#: Multi-Platform 3D Game Development" on Amazon. See this link for a special pre-order price. As the name implies, this book will focus on C# development. 


You are now faced with the choice of tackling example projects provided by Unity Technologies or jump straight into user-generated tutorials. As the example projects are quite complex, I would suggest working through some video tutorials first. Nonetheless, here are the links for Unity's official example projects. They can be taken completely apart, reverse-engineered and reused for own projects.

3D Platform Game

2D Platform Game

Iphone tutorials and more example projects

More Unity Example projects 

Car Tutorial by Unity Technologies 

Official Unity Tech. Tutorial for the Animation View - 3-part-series of video tutorials 

Series of Unity tutorials in C# (among many other tutorials)
registration required (free)
website -
forum thread -! 

Advanced Media Lab at North Carolina State University  

BurgZergArcade - Unity Tutorials
Hack&Slash Tutorial using C# and plenty of other information and useful tutorials
website - 

CannedMushroom Video Tutorials (Unity and other software)
This is a series of projects intended for 2-hour self-instructed lessons using JavaScript  

Car Tutorial 
Physics Setup for a car, AI for driving around racetrack (from 2009)  

Catlike Coding C# Tutorials - text-based tutorials that walk you through creating simple projects, the most complex being a side-scroller game.

GamerToGameDeveloper Tutorials Series 1
This series of video tutorials covers the development of a multiplayer first person shooter prototype from scratch and focuses on C# scripting.
GearTech Games 
4 Videos on how to work through a project (and more videos)
  • workflow between Modo and Unity
  • lightmapping
InfiniteAmmo Tutorial 
General Introduction to Unity (3 parts so far)
Some scripting covered using Javascript (e.g. movement controls)  

InsurgentX Advanced Video Tutorials
Series of JavaScript tutorials starting from the very basics and slowly increasing in complexity to build a sophisticated game from scratch 

LOD Tutorial (Level of Detail, Unity3.5 Pro Feature)
By Manuel Scherer  

Making Sense of Unity 
These video tutorials provide more indepth coverage of unity scripting using Javascript (not meant to be introductory material)
  • lecture style explanations of concepts
  • more entertaining and not like most other screen-capture tutorials :) 

Paul Bourke - Unity for stereoscopic display (from 2008)
text-based with screenshots 

Paul Bourke – Unity and Idome (from 2008)
text-based with screenshots  

Robotduck - Blog 
The blog of this Unity user provides tips on Unity scripting and functionality and showcases some of his projects  

Introduction to Game Development with Unity including Workflow, Scripting, GUI, Version Control, etc.  

Terrain Tutorial 
seven videos on how to create terrains in Unity from heightmaps to finish (from 2010)  

Terrain Tutorial In-Depth
text-based with screenshots 
forum thread  

TornadoTwins Video Tutorials 
They show step by step how to create a simple game using Javascript.  

Unity Gems

A website of text-based tutorials. This is a mix of introductory (intermediate) scripting tutorials and more advanced tutorials. Themes currently cover general tips for Unity scripting, Memory Management, Finite State Machines, Quaternions/Rotations and Coroutines. Some content for Boo and Unity Script is provided, several tips and descriptions are more conceptual and should be helpful regardless of the language that is used.

Unity Jumpstart 
Proof of Concept Game to learn creating your own game from the ground up (JavaScript)  

UnityCookie (CGCookie)
A series of tutorials for an introduction to Unity and several scripting video tutorials (using Javascript)  

UnityScript Basics (Scripting Basics for Noobs)
If you're new to scripting, read up on this good introduction to scripting in Unity. Lots of analogies are provided which makes it really easy to understand. The details are explained for UnityScript, but the introduction is great for any scripting language.
website - 

Virtual Autonomy 
Guide for working with Google SketchUp and Unity
(also shaders and multi-user environments)
text-based with screenshots

Walker Boys Studio - Unity Tutorials from the Guildhall at SMU (an extensive list of tutorials with more on the way) 

Will Goldstone, author of the Unity Game Development book, worked on a series of helpful video tutorials here (using JavaScript): (also
More recently by Will Goldstone:

PAID TUTORIALS (subscription-based tutorials, Unity-related content among other software like Maya, 3DS Max, Photoshop)

Digital Tutors - (250+ subscription-based tutorials) Tai-Pan Development Set Tutorial Series
For an annual payment of 40 Euros, offers insights into the complete development process of their RTS Tai-Pan. All assets are included royalty-free and tutorials are delivered as videos or pdf-documents. I have not tested their tutorials yet, but their work seems impressive and of high quality.
website -
forum thread - 

VTC - Unity tutorial using JavaScript (subscription based content on 
Unity-Tutorials (mostly paid and some free tutorials)  

Once you went through some or all of these tutorials, you should be creating your own content in no time. Next, I'll provide an overview of general resources for Unity. Whenever you need to find some information about Unity, scripting, projects, collaborations or anything Unity-related, check these links out:

Searching for resources - The All-In-One Unity Reference Search 
credit goes to Robotduck for providing this link to the public; tremendous time saver (see

Unity Scripting Reference 

Unity Component Reference 
each available Component described in detail 

Unity Wiki (UnifyCommunity)
UnityScript Keywords:

Unity Answers 
Invaluable when you have specific questions about Unity or Scripting 
This link should also get you started on learning Unity 

Unity Forum 

Unity Feedback 
feature requests go here 

Unity IRC 
Point your favorite IRC client to and join #unity3d to chat in real time. 

Overview of Unity Resources 

Overview of Unity blogs 

Unity Extensions
  • Terrain Toolkit
  • External Lightmapping Tool
  • Locomotion System
  • Explosion Framework
  • Head Look Controller
overview of some extensions – Unity youtube and vimeo channels 

Visual C# Express-  free IDE for your C# development

3DAttack - Tools and Home of Unity Creative Magazine
First Person Shooter Developer Kit
forum thread -
website -

One of Unity's developers provides projects to extend Unity's functionality (e.g. pathfinding and AI) 
forum thread Path -!

sturestone's A* Pathfinding (currently version 2.9)
forum thread -*-Pathfinding-2.9-Is-Released-(Unity-3-Compatible)

Augmented Reality / Webcam Input 
forum threads: (Webcam Toolkit) (ARToolkit Extension) (UnityAR)

SeeingMachines FaceAPI / VisionBlaster – Head Tracking in Unity (purchase required) 

Mostly Tigerproof – Using Google Analytics and Unity to track game stats
This is a blog entry about Google Analytics and Unity 

Antares Project
 - Extensive Set of Tools to extend the Unity Editor - Open Source
Also available: Antares.dll (free for non-commercial work)
forum thread -

Antares Deformator - Deform your meshes (Beta Version)
forum thread -

UniWii – WiiMote implementation 
forum thread 

Unity Terrain Tools - EasyRoads (purchase required)
forum thread

Six Times Nothing - Road/Path Tool and River Tool

Dastardly Banana - FPS Weapon Tool, Radar example

Starscene Software - Tools, Games and Utilities for Unity (purchase required for utilities)
e.g. Vectrosity - Line Drawing Tool
Fractscape - Terrain Tool
Stitchscape - Stitch multiple terrains together

GUIX - visual Menu/GUI builder (purchase required)

NGUI - GUI builder/editor (purchase required)

EZ Game Saver - saving tool (purchase required)
Note that I will cover saving to text file in a later blog

Decal Framework - Easily place decals in your scene
forum thread -

Visual Logic Editor by NeoDrop (Antares VIZIO, Work in Progress)
forum thread -

Nimbus Volumetric Clouds
forum thread -

RapidUnity Vehicle Editor Resource Pack
forum thread -

Ocean 3D - Ocean Simulation

ShaderFusion - Node-Based Shader Editor (Requires Unity3)
forum thread -

Strumpy Shader Editor - Node-Based Shader Editor
forum thread -

Overview of extensions on UnifyWiki 

LightUp (purchase required)
Extension of Google Sketchup (Lighting Solution) which works nicely for exporting lightmaps to Unity 

Stereoscopic Solutions
3D Anaglyph System (purchase required)

Plugin for Kinect's Primesense Camera
forum thread -

Unity Web Suite - tutorials and examples in C# to create online content
forum thread -
website -

Tools for Visual Programming:
Antares Universe - Vizio (forum thread)
cost (as of 05/22/11) Euro 142.50 
Visual programming tool similar to the approaches of Quest3D and Virtools.

Playmaker by Hutong Games
cost (as of 05/22/11) Euro 95.00
Visual State Machine Editor (website and forum thread)

uScript by Detox Studios
website and forum thread
Visual Scripting Tool based on UDK's Kismet

Brain Builder by boldai
website and forum thread  

Posted by kevino

코드 예제 1) 임의의 시간으로 설정해 둔 시간 뒤 작업 진행하기

    function OnCollisionEnter(other : Collision){

   if (other.gameObject.tag == "piece") {
            var otherBody = other.gameObject.Rigidbody;
            hingeJoint.breakForce = 45;
            hingeJoint.breakTorque = 45;
            hingeJoint.connectedBody = otherBody;
Posted by kevino

Tips in development of cocos2d-x project

Below contains some useful information gathered when I tried to solve problems happened in developing cocos2d-x related project for Android.

1. When you meet compile error with message "must override a superclass method"

Check the project's properties and verify that Java Compiler -> Compiler compliance level is set to1.6.

Posted by kevino

GDB tips

프로그래밍/linux 2012. 6. 27. 17:48

In this article, I want to share all my findings and gathered information to help debugging with GDB.

1. How to set program arguments when debugging a program.

   ex) If you want to execute following command, 'progname -o outdir inputfilename'

        Then you can provide program's arguments to gdb like this

        $ gdb -ex 'set args -o outdir inputfilename' progname

Posted by kevino

다음에서 이어지는 글 

(ndk-gdb가 잘 동작하지 않는 경우 한가지 - run-as에 문제가 있을때 해결법 (1편))

참고로 아래 절차를 성공적으로 수행하려면 에뮬레이터는 상관없지만 폰은 루팅이 되어 있어야 한다.

전편에서 run-as를 원위치로 넣을때 주의해야 할 점이 있다고 했는데 바로 file permission과 file owner ship이다.
원래 있던 run-as의 속성을 보면 다음과 같이 나타난다.
-rwsr-s--- root     shell       59848 2011-11-20 14:36 run-as

새로 만든 run-as를 위와 똑같이 속성을 맞추기 위해서 다음의 명령어를 실행해야 한다.

# chown 0.2000 run-as
# chmod 6750 run-as

참고사항: file permission에 대해 (다음 링크 참조:

-rwsr-s--- root     shell       59848 2011-11-20 14:36 run-as

참고 링크에서도 나와있지만 setuid가 존재하는 이유를 설명하면 사용자가 어떤 파일을 실행할때 권한이 부족해서 실행할 수 없는 경우가 있다. 사용자의 권한이 낮은 경우에도 불구하고 때때로 특정 작업을 할때 사용자의 권한을 높일 수 있도록 하는 방법을 도입한 것이 setid 항목이다. 의미는 setid의 항목이 1로 enable되어 있는 경우 해당파일(run-as)를 누가 접근하던지 상관없이 소유자의 권한이 주어지게 된다. 예를 들어 위와 같은 경우 uid가 일반 사용자이고 run-as의 소유자가 root로 되어 있다. 이때 s=0으로 되어 있으면 일반 사용자가 root가 소유자인 run-as를 읽으려 하면 권한 부족으로 못 읽지만 s=1로 되어 있으면 가능해진다. 이때 x=1이면 일반 사용자가 실행가능하게 된다.

참고로 s=1이고 x=0이면 문자표현에서는 대문자'S'로 표시되고 일반사용자가 파일을 실행할수 없게 된다.

Posted by kevino